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I will now End my Life: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Dear the Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,

"Sometimes it is necessary to be lonely in order to prove you are right" Vladimir Putin

I thought you should know. That unless there is immediate comprehensive resolution from the following stakeholders in the Paul J James matter including a National Public Apology delivered by you as the Right Honorable Prime Minister of Canada, then this weekend (December 8-9, 2018) I will reluctantly but resolutely End My Life.

1. York University

2. The Toronto Star

3. The National Post

4. The CBC

5. The Canadian Press

6. Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment

7. Canada Soccer

"Sometimes in life you have to go it alone. Be isolated. Pay the Ultimate Price. To win the Argument and to prove I am right - to the ultimate benefit of millions of others - I will give up my life before the clock turns 12.01am December 10, 2018". Paul J James

The complications of you pulling resolution together before this time is not of my concern.

There can be no complaints

Not from You. Not from York University. Your Government. The Canadian Parliament. The Liberal Party of Canada. Bob Rae, the Canadian Media, Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment, Canada Soccer, the Canadian Soccer media, Adam Vaughan, Mary Ormsby, Colin Perkel, Tom Harrington and others.

You have ALL been afforded every single opportunity to act responsibly.

To be transparent to the Canadian public in searching for the Truth. To swiftly correct the outrageous Obstruction of Justice. To be ethical. To be compassionate. To be moral. To be honest. To be right with your course of action. To be on the right side of Truth. To have informed the Canadian public that substance disability IS protected under Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. To have "facilitated" immediately the Paul James vs York University matter in permitting it, at a bare minimum, to go back to the Supreme Court of Canada for adjudication from one Supreme Court of Canada justice. It was my human right on behalf of ALL Canadian citizens, to have been afforded this opportunity based on procedure errors of the file at the honorable court back in 2016.

You and your colleagues however, in every department, in every action you have taken, have deliberately failed. Bob Rae deliberately failed. Adam Vaughan has failed at an unprecedented level. So has the colluded Canadian media. But not only have you ALL failed: You have intentionally added to the social injustices I have faced. You have abused, insulted, defamed and slandered and blamed Paul J James as the victim even further, as impossible as that seemed to achieve with consideration of all that preceded it. And all with impunity against a defenseless, disadvantaged, highly stigmatized person.

You sat back and watched for two full straight years Paul J James publicly starve himself to the point of death. Not just once. Not twice. Not three times. Nine and Ten times. The humiliation. The physical pain. The psychological strength to get through it. You ignore it all. You ridicule. You scapegoat. You punish. You selfishly collude to seek advantage from a Canadian citizens ultimate demise.

Canadians should be fired. At York University. Within the Liberal Party of Canada. Within the Canadian Media. Removed from their positions. Indicted for what has been permitted to happen. It is a horror story. A disgrace to Canada as a nation. And Canada Soccer? No where to be seen.

The Paul J James story would never happen in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, England, Wales, France, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal.....only in the passive/aggressive Canada

"Former Canadian World Cup soccer player and coach; Four Time CONCACAF Champion; Three Time Inductee into the Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame, National Soccer Coach of the Year gives up his life in swashbuckling his way to social justice in a spoiled, illiterate nation, depraved on how to behave towards its citizens in the modern era".

Prime Minister you and your colleagues have been misguided in your actions. Irresponsible, reckless, immoral, unethical, corrupt and pure evil in your handling of the Paul J James vs York University human rights claim. You delivered an unequivocal message in June of 2017 through your non-intervention of my fifth hunger strike at 26 days:

You were prepared, ready and willing to let Paul James DIE rather than expose the Truth and hold those accountable for such dreadful social injustices.

Rather than act morally, on an issue not dissimilar to what your lovely honorable wife Sophie has experienced, you instead sought to take maligned advantage from my adversity through your Twitter messages at that time. Your Attorney General while regretful three months later on your behalf nevertheless repeated the actions while I continued on a path of further pain and suffering. And all in an effort to make the world and Canada a better place in which to live.

Notes/Moments of Clarity which should be worth its weight in gold to you, the Canadian Parliament and to every Canadian citizen:

a. Not every time when a person or organization makes a mistake should the expectation and modus-operandi be to cover-up and collude at all costs against the truth and reality. It has obliterated the lives of far too many Canadian citizens already. And for far too long.

b. In seeking social justice, not every single time, should the greed and selfish expectation of the Canadian system be that the victim go on a pilgrimage of social activism, self sacrifice and slavery in search of social justice from a corrupt national ideological system of such depravity.

c. Sometimes social injustice can only be achieved one person at a time! Most especially when the issue concerns mental disability.

How can mental disability be a part of an adversarial judicial system and process? How does that make sense? Was that not a passing thought to you and your colleagues?

What the ongoing damage through delaying the delivery of social justice could be doing to Paul James? Can you not see the "psychological sickness" behind your own chosen path in the Paul James matter?

d . The decision to bring my life to an end is not because of poor mental health, mental illness. Nor is it an act of suicide. No one intent on committing suicide informs the public.

e. I am requesting one final time as the leader of Canada for you to intervene in the Paul J James matter.

f. In the event you decline to do so then I request you, Bob Rae, Adam Vaughan, Maureen Armstrong, Jenn Myers, Shelia Forshaw, JP Savage, Pat Santini, Steven Reed, Peter Montopoli, Stephen Meurice, Anne Marie Owens, Tom Harrington, Patrick Lecoiux, Colin Perkel, Mary Ormsby, Larry Tannenbaum, deliver a guttural apology to my sister, my father, my mother, my nephew Tristan, my beautiful former partner Ashley Kelly, the Paul J James supporters including Tony Waiters, Leslie Wilson, Bobby Lenarduzzi, Randy Samual, Sharon Bearpark, Kevin Tierney, Peyvand Mossavat, Even Pellerud, Tracy Valliancourt, Cosi Commisso, Trevor McCallum, Eddie Berdusco, Jorge Sanchez, Mike Young, Kelly Kidwell and so many others; the nation of my birth Wales, and my dog Max for your unrelenting acts of depravity in your deliberate failure to do the right thing.

g. Prime Minister, recall your genuine emotion when Gord Downie sadly passed away. You proved to the world there is a genuineness inside the Right Honorable Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. I choked when I saw your reaction which was anything but fake.

h. A PJJ supporter reminded me recently I have plenty of enemies. But I reminded the supporter in the name of author Robert Greene if you have no enemies then make plenty of genuine ones. Through"confronting the stigma of drug drug addiction" mission accomplished. I have made loads. Genuine enemies can be converted into genuine friends if what you are fighting for is valid.

i. I have many more Paul J James Supporters than enemies who I am so very proud and appreciative of. Prouder than I am of currently calling myself Canadian. I know they will be heartbroken by this correspondence. While there is nothing I can do about that. I know that they will never back down on my behalf. They have sustained and inspired me to have lasted as long as I have. That reality is for you the Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to now understand and to resolve once and for all, one way or another.

Yours very respectfully,

Paul James

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