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Paul James to the Editor in Chief of the Canadian Press

Stephen Meurice,

I have not yet met any person over my lifetime who could not do with some serious psychological hygiene and cleansing.

I conclude you, Colin Perkel and the Canadian Press organization as a whole could do with your fair share of rehabilitation, at a bare minimum, on ethics and morality and the implications of their non-application by Canadian media organizations on the health and well being of Canada as a nation. More pointedly, if our esteemed Canadian institutions do not rigorously attain a minimum threshold of dignity and respect with how they treat and communicate with persons with exposed mental disability then Canada's future as a nation will be permanently harmed. This past year Canada has been exposed to some extreme tragedies never seen before including most recently the gut-wrenching suicides of OPP officers. It illustrates an underlying crisis as it relates to our understanding and managing of mental disability which still languishes at the bottom of the G8 Premier League of nations when we should be a shining beacon of how to do things right.

Colin Perkel's untimely communication in my regard two months ago was an horrific illustration of how persons with exposed mental disability can have their human rights jettisoned and humiliated into oblivion through such an appalling display of indignity and disrespect and at a time when I was vomiting on my hands and knees crawling into an ambulance. Your subsequent indifference and protection of Colin's behavior is a further systemic illustration of how other Canadian institutions and persons have operated in my regard and for far too long. Make a mistake, deny, avoid and cover up with full knowledge the Canadian juridical process will protect you.

I am currently onto my third day of eating less than 400 hundred calories as I wean myself down to just broth soup and water over the next few days.

Without social justice and/or resolution which satisfies the benefit of ALL Canadians then I will not stop. I finally have peace of mind the Paul James story is fully documented in the arena's it needs to be and so truth and transparency will one day be illuminated for the benefit of ALL Canadian and Global citizens.

To finish positively and so that it is recorded for posterity I regard Neil Davidson as a consummate professional, wonderful writer, a magnificent servant to the game of soccer in Canada worthy of long overdue hall of fame status as a builder. No other person within the Canadian soccer industry can match Neil's professionalism and commitment to getting the job done in such an articulate, dignified way. Transcending these qualities Neil has displayed in my regard a human touch and humanity to behold while never compromising an iota his loyalty to his profession and those whom he serves at the Canadian Press and the Canadian public at large. You are indeed most fortunate to have had Neil as a writer and sports editor for so long as indeed am I to have had Neil as an arms length supporter and friend - a person I know has always "pulled for me".


Paul James

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