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Dear PMO, Bob Rae; British Media; Starvation Protest & Vicious Grip of Stigma; Narrated Life Sto

Dear Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Bob Rae,

With regard to the correspondence you received on February 21, 2020 - James vs York University - the communication concluded with the following,

"To delay or ignore this communication would merely be to continue your egregious behaviour in regard to Paul J James".

Your consistent non reply sums up a reality - not myth - that to be exposed as a person with a substance disability is to be treated as worthless.

It also identifies the ongoing merger of state and institutional power colluding against one citizen, the truth and what is right.

Now, today, March 5, 2020 I add to this repeated request for the official renouncement of the Canadian citizenship of Paul J James an additional appeal to Bob Rae.

Please process and liquidate retroactively over a ten year period, disability payments to Paul J James which it is my clear understanding I am entitled to.

The intent with refusing such payments for so long was based on the premise "Equality of Opportunity". I should not have had to endure one day nor alone a decade of unemployment from the career my nature was best suited and credentials most qualified.

Disability payments should be for more disadvantaged citizens, not persons who have been discriminated against as a scapegoating method of obstructing truth and justice.

Over the past three years numerous persons have donated monies to keep PJJ ostensibly "alive" throughout this process. At the outset it was agreed to whomever contributed that such monies would be returned. I would not have accepted any such benevolence unless there was a safety valve to return ALL monies.

Now is that moment.

The outstanding legal claims against the Canadian media and York University stand posthumously for Paul J James as a part of the estate. The matters should have been resolved many years ago. They haven't and so I trigger the right to receive what is owed.

With consideration that Bob Rae has indeed let Paul J James down at a level which is inconceivable to me, this nevertheless, is an opportunity for a positive contribution. Administering the request and compensating those who have sacrificed on my behalf with the balance remitted to Ashley Anne Kelly.


British Media

Here is a passage I very recently sent to a media outlet in England,

"I am currently 16 days into a hunger strike protest a methodology I have spent the past three years implementing unsuccessfully to date, against the Canadian establishment. While my body maybe tethered my spirit, resolve and determination to receive fair access to social justice has not. This hunger strike - like Bobby Sands and his colleagues - I will see through to the end. Unfortunately that end will come sooner rather than later at this stage as I know my body well enough by now. My hope is that you may kindly take an immediate interest in this matter - read between lines of what is a false public narrative on Paul John James - and then agree to meet. You have a condensed version of my background from Kevin Tierney. Here instead of adding to it is a condensed version of the issue which impacts not just Canadian citizens but ALL peoples around the world. I used crack cocaine for the first time in1998. In 2008 the use became problematic and so I responsibly sought assistance from my employer and a few associates. Up to that point of use (1998-2008) it had been the most successful period of my life in every facet. However, from the moment I sought assistance until the present day it has been a dehumanising, stigmatizing, oppressive, unmitigated nightmare infringing on my human right to live freely and equally. And if such oppression can take place with Paul J James then it most certainly does with millions of others around the world. Ultimately the cause and path embarked upon is for the greater good on how societies must begin to Live with Substances (Drugs) in Better Way. This premise equates first and foremost to the recognition that problematic substance use and/or developed substance disabilities must be ratified as human conditions not criminal acts (or actions of diseased invalids) through comprehensive protection of Supreme courts when clear instances of discrimination have taken place. The PJJ case is simple not complicated. Unlawful discrimination, prejudice, oppression, and stigmatization of my life and self as a person is unequivocal and supported comprehensively by the "hidden, yet documented facts" including the total disregard for the rule of law, throughout the Canadian Judiciary. I have come to England seeking an avenue of Illuminating, protecting the TRUTH and in doing so bringing the PJJ contribution to "ending the war on people" to its conclusion. You should know the Canadian establishment assisted by the Canadian Media have not only colluded to obstruct social justice being served but just as egregious, they have delivered further injustices ruining a life and career in the process, preventing much needed progress on the issue which tortures millions globally.


Starvation Protest - Vicious Grip of Stigma -

Currently 19 days on the protest which is at the level of fasting below 900 calories a day. Will not make a public spectacle of the issue. The English media outlet turned down the offer to cover the story.

Stigma on the issue is a global phenomenon sewn as a cognitive map onto naive citizens. The consequences of such cultivated ignorance are vicious and devastating. No different in England. In fact Canada to its credit is more advanced. With harm reduction you are ahead of the curve.

Nevertheless, the kindness afforded PJJ since I have arrived in England has been breathtaking from those who do care.


Narrated Life Story

A video/audio narration of my life from 1963 to the present day has/will be completed over the next week. It is important now to document in first person, the full story.


Dr Jordan Peterson

While Dr Jordan Peterson has been criticized in some areas for his own revelation on problematic substance use I admire his forth rightness and courage. He is a credit to Canadian society. An intellectual of immense practical knowledge for the benefit of ALL citizens. I have learned much from his life lessons book. Disagreeing with some aspects of his stance will always be trumped by his sheer passion and genius. His path through substance use identifies the tiered system which exists. Dr Peterson will never be unemployed nor short of options moving forward. For that I am happy, yet distraught at the lack of compassion in some areas knowing the suffering he has already had to endure with his wife's diagnosis. Best wishes to him.


Two Quotes; Two Regrets; Two Positives

Two Quotes

"My circumstances today are not because of my substance disability but the societal reaction to it".

"Most people have good, honorable, humane intentions when interacting with their fellow citizens. If however, you want to turn admirable people into unwitting discriminatory, prejudicial, judgmental citizens then simply inform them you live with a substance disability. The metamorphosis is breathtaking and cutting, facilitated by profound ignorance and bias erroneously conditioned onto our psyches as normal behavior when in receipt of such information. For the past three generations we have behaved towards persons in this unenviable group so poorly and inappropriately it now ranks as the most significant preventable immorality and social injustice of our time".

Two Regrets:

"Being unhappy in my own skin for far too long"

" Losing Ashley Anne Kelly and Max"

Two Positives:

"A decade ago I was at the bottom of a mountain when ignorance was not bliss. Now at the top I have a panoramic view. I see and understand the truth as to what this is all about. Without the arduous journey I would not have known"

"The process has revealed people who have my best interests at heart and those that never did. My selection of friends over a lifetime was skewed because I didn't understand myself. My nature".


Paul J James

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